Magnolia Soap Box Derby, established in 2009 by a rag-tag group of Maconites and speed enthusiasts, is only a continuation of Macon’s longstanding tradition of Soap Box Racing, which goes all the way back to the 1930s! Every second Saturday in April, we host three types of races: Professional (the super fast ones), Shadetree (Communally built cars, not necessarily speed-focused), and the Gravity Racing Challenge (for High School Students). So come on down and cheer on your friends, enjoy some food and music, and watch some soap box cars go really, really fast.
All mentions of Soap Box Derby are a registered trademark used with permission ®. Macon, Georgia.
Our Board
The Magnolia Soap Box Derby is organized by a rag-tag group of over 20+ Maconites who are excited about investing in the Macon community with meaningful and worthwhile events…but the bottom line is that they like to have fun!
Here are a few of the players involved: (Click to email)
Executive Board
Cameron Gilliland, President
J.D. Dunston III, Vice President
Mariana Furlin, Secretary
Paul Griffin, Treasurer
Team Registration
Charlotte Storey
Resource Development
Sonja Tillman
Tyler Horne